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Vellon is the sole provider of all food and water on Lupos. Situated at the south most point of the sphere it oversees a variety of off planet missions. Its inhabitants watch from the side-lines wondering what life would be like beyond the borders of the farm. Those who let curiosity get the better of them attempt the journey.

General Information

Vellon was designed to be a replica of Ellantus however, due to the disaster on Earth the idea to make Vellon a city was scrapped. Instead, Aeson Corp had a new idea for Vellon. They would make it into farmland becoming the sole provider of food and water on Lupos. When they were finally able to live on Lupos they sent 1/3 of the population to Vellon. Those sent to Vellon had no idea that they would be prisoners. Food and water were important to a human’s survival but Aeson was aware that not enough people would volunteer to work. They made the decision to force citizens to work every day with no escape from Vellon. To keep morale high, they provide the citizens with 3 meal tickets a day and a monthly visit from the Ellantus merchants. The merchants would bring their scraps to hand out for free, they wouldn’t risk losing valuable merchandise to those who do not abide by Ellantus rules. As the citizens were sent to Vellon before Ellantus was set up no one at Vellon knows the real truths behind the ‘city of new beginnings’ because of this it gives hope to some citizens of Vellon that one day they will be set free and live in Ellantus.


Vellon is split into 3 islands, one for keeping the animals, one for fields of crops and the final island is where the South Pylon sits. On the two farmland islands, giant fences were created to prevent citizens from escaping.


There are 35 floors in the South Pylon. On the first floor is the main hall, the only time its doors opened were once a month when the merchants visited. The water plant/filter, only a small amount of people get to work in this section, mainly those who can’t do manual labor. Lastly are the maintenance room to regularly check on the status of the Pylon, a dining hall, and a washing area. On the second-floor housing for residents starts. Each apartment has two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small living area as food and washing areas are provided elsewhere. Most residents collect trinkets from the merchants to make the rooms feel like home.


Every now and then residents try to escape Vellon, no one has succeeded yet. They are given a life sentence to live on the ship, completing resource collection missions. Eventually, Vellon will become overpopulated. When this happens, they promised to send a large group of the citizens to Ellantus for rehoming but what will really happen is they will share the same fate as those who tried to escape.


Vellon Concept Art by Astrid Vunjnović

The Sheltered Path Coles House by Nico

Concept Blueprint Design for Vellon

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